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Withdraw from Streams

Withdrawing from streams means claiming the tokens that have become due to the recipient, who has the option to direct the withdrawal to an alternative address of their choice.

There are four withdrawal functions:

  1. withdraw: withdraws a specific amount of tokens.
  2. withdrawMax: withdraws the maximum withdrawable amount of tokens.
  3. withdrawMaxAndTransfer: withdraws the maximum withdrawable amount and transfers the NFT.
  4. withdrawMultiple: withdraws specific amounts of tokens from multiple streams at once.

To call any of these functions, you need to have created a stream. If you don't have one yet, go back to the previous guide and create a stream with a brief duration, assigning the StreamManagement contract as the recipient. Then, you can use the withdraw function like this:

Stream Management: Withdraw

In this example, the withdrawal address and withdrawal amount are hard-coded for demonstration purposes. However, in a production environment, these values would likely be adjustable parameters determined by the user. Alternatively, you can use withdrawableAmountOf function to determine how much amount of tokens is available to withdraw.

In addition to the withdraw function, there is the withdrawMax function, which you can use to withdraw the maximum withdrawable amount of tokens at the time of invocation:

Stream Management: Withdraw Max

What withdrawMax does is call the withdrawableAmountOf function and pass its value to withdraw.

Similar to withdrawMax, you can use withdrawMaxAndTransfer to withdraw the maximum withdrawable tokens and at the same time, transfer the NFT to another address.

Lastly, there is the withdrawMultiple function, with which you can use to withdraw from multiple streams at once:

Stream Management: Withdraw Multiple