Gas Benchmarks
The gas usage of the Flow protocol is not deterministic and varies by user. Calls to third-party contracts, such as ERC-20 tokens, may use an arbitrary amount of gas. The values in the table below are rough estimations on Ethereum mainnet - you shouldn't take them for granted. The gas usage may vary depending on the network.
Please refer to the GitHub repository to view the code that generates these benchmarks.
The following gas benchmarks are generated using a 6-decimal token.
Function | Gas Usage |
adjustRatePerSecond | 44,171 |
create | 113,681 |
deposit | 32,975 |
depositViaBroker | 22,732 |
pause | 7,522 |
refund | 11,939 |
restart | 7,036 |
void (solvent stream) | 10,060 |
void (insolvent stream) | 37,460 |
withdraw (insolvent stream) | 57,688 |
withdraw (solvent stream) | 38,156 |
withdrawMax | 51,988 |