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Configure Your Local Environment

In this guide, we will go through the steps to set up a local development environment for building onchain integrations with Lockup. We will use Foundry to install Lockup as a dependency, and run a simple test.

At the end, you’ll have a development environment set up that you can use to build the rest of the examples under "Guides", or start your own integration project.


You will need the following software on your machine:

In addition, familiarity with Ethereum and Solidity is requisite.

Set up using Lockup integration template


Make sure you are using the latest version of Foundry by running foundryup.

We put together a template repository that you can use to get started quickly. This repository features a basic project structure, pre-configured Lockup imports, and a selection of sample contracts and tests.

To install the template, simply execute the following commands:

$ mkdir lockup-integration-template
$ cd lockup-integration-template
$ forge init --template sablier-labs/lockup-integration-template
$ bun install
Then, hop to the Run a Fork Test section to complete your set up and start developing.

Set up using Foundry template

Foundry is a popular development toolkit for Ethereum projects, which we have used to build the Lockup Protocol. For the purposes of this guide, Foundry will provide us with the tooling needed to compile and test our contracts.

Let's use this command to spin up a new Foundry project:

$ forge init my-project
$ cd my-project
Once the initialization completes, take a look around at what got set up:

├── foundry.toml
├── script
├── src
└── test
The folder structure should be intuitive:

  • src is where you'll write Solidity contracts
  • test is where you'll write tests (also in Solidity)
  • script is where you'll write scripts to perform actions like deploying contracts (you guessed it, in Solidity)
  • foundry.toml is where you can configure your Foundry settings, which we will leave as is in this guide

You might notice that the CLI is forge rather than foundry. This is because Foundry is a toolkit, and forge is just one of the tools that comes with it.

Install Lockup npm packages

Let's install the Lockup Node.js packages using Bun:

$ bun add @sablier/lockup
Bun will download the Lockup contracts, along with their dependencies, and put them in the node_modules directory.

Let's remap the package names to point to the installed contracts. This step is required so that the Solidity compiler can find the Lockup contracts when you import them:

$ echo "@sablier/lockup=node_modules/@sablier/lockup/" >> remappings.txt
$ echo "@openzeppelin/contracts/=node_modules/@openzeppelin/contracts/" >> remappings.txt
$ echo "@prb/math/=node_modules/@prb/math/" >> remappings.txt
That's it! You should now have a functional development environment to start building onchain Lockupintegrations. Let's run a quick test to confirm everything is set up properly.

Write your first contract

Delete the src/Counter.sol and test/Counter.t.sol files generated by Forge, and create two new files:
src/StreamCreator.sol and test/StreamCreator.t.sol.

Paste the following code into src/StreamCreator.sol:

Lockup Stream Creator
Let's use Forge to compile this contract:
$ forge build
If the contract was compiled correctly, you should see this message:
[⠢] Compiling...
[⠰] Compiling 62 files with Solc 0.8.26
[⠒] Solc 0.8.26 finished in 967.04ms
Compiler run successful!

The minimum Solidity version supported by the Lockup contracts is v0.8.22.

Run a fork test

Foundry offers native support for running tests against a fork of Ethereum Mainnet, testnets and L2s, which is useful when building and testing integrations with onchain protocols like Sablier. In practice, this enables you to access all Sablier contracts deployed on Ethereum, and use them for testing your integration.

As a prerequisite, you will need an RPC that supports forking. A good solution for this is Alchemy, as it includes forking in its free tier plan.

Once you have obtained your RPC, you can proceed to run the following test:

Lockup Stream Creator Test
You can run the test using Forge:

$ forge test
If the test passed, you should see a message like this:

Ran 2 tests for test/LockupStreamCreator.t.sol:LockupStreamCreatorTest
[PASS] test_CreateLockupStream() (gas: 246830)
Suite result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 626.58ms (500.67µs CPU time)

Next steps

Congratulations! Your environment is now configured, and you are prepared to start building. Explore the guides section to discover various features available for Lockup integration. Remember to include all contracts (.sol files) in the srcfolder and their corresponding tests in the test folder.

As far as Foundry is concerned, there is much more to uncover. If you want to learn more about it, check out the Foundry Book, which contains numerous examples and tutorials. A deep understanding of Foundry will enable you to create more sophisticated integrations with Lockup protocol.