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Snapshot Voting Strategies

To enable off-chain governance, we created a collection of Snapshot Strategies that calculate the voting power of tokens stored in Lockup streams.


If you started using Sablier in July 2023 or later, you should be using the Lockup strategies.

The following strategies will read the various amounts that can be found in Lockup streams. The voting power will be calculated based on some sub-strategies called policies.

Snapshot Playground
Snapshot Playground

Example Setup

"address": "0x97cb342cf2f6ecf48c1285fb8668f5a4237bf862",
"symbol": "DAI",
"decimals": 18,
"policy": "withdrawable-recipient" // recommended,

Other parameters

Aside from this example setup, we use Snapshot's base parameters Network, Snapshot (block), and Addresses.

Based on the chosen strategy, the values filled in the Addresses field will represent a list (>= 1) of senders or recipients.


Primary policies

withdrawable-recipientTokens that are available for the stream's recipient to withdraw.
reserved-recipientTokens available for withdraw aggregated with unstreamed tokens.

Secondary policies

These policies are designed to address specific edge cases. We strongly recommend using the primary policies.

deposited-recipientTokens that have been deposited in streams the recipient owned at snapshot time.
deposited-senderTokens that have been deposited in streams started by the sender before the snapshot.
streamed-recipientTokens that have been streamed to the recipient until the snapshot.
unstreamed-recipientTokens that have not yet been streamed to the recipient at the time of snapshot.


Lockup Stream #000001
Deposited: TKN 1000 for 30 days
Withdrawn: TKN 450 before snapshot
Snapshot: Day 15 (midway) with a streamed amount of TKN 500

| erc20-balance-of | TKN 450 |
| withdrawable-recipient | TKN 50 |
| reserved-recipient | TKN 550 |
| deposited-recipient | TKN 1000 |
| deposited-sender | TKN 1000 |
| streamed-recipient | TKN 500 |
| unstreamed-recipient | TKN 500 |


For the best results, we recommend using the primary policies.

  1. The best option is to combine the withdrawable-recipient policy with erc20-balance-of. Doing so will aggregate tokens streamed but not withdrawn yet, as well as tokens in the user's wallet.
  2. The second best option is to combine reserved-recipient with erc20-balance-of. They will aggregate (i) tokens streamed but not withdrawn yet, (ii) unstreamed funds (which will become available in the future), and (iii) the tokens in the user's wallet.

Details and Caveats

withdrawable-recipient ⭐️

The withdrawable amount counts tokens that have been streamed but not withdrawn yet by the recipient.

This is provided using the withdrawableAmountOf contract method.

Voting power: realized (present).

reserved-recipient ⭐️

The reserved amount combines tokens that have been streamed but not withdrawn yet (similar to withdrawable-recipient) with tokens that haven't been streamed (which will become available in the future). Can be computed as reserved = withdrawable + unstreamed === deposited - withdrawn. Canceled streams will only count the final withdrawable amount, if any.

Voting power: realized (present) + expected (future).


Aggregates historical deposits up to the snapshot time, counting only the streams owned by the recipient.

  • Streaming, canceling and streaming again will cause tokens to be counted multiple times.


Aggregates historical deposits up to the snapshot time, counting only the streams started by the sender.


Aggregates historical amounts that have already been streamed to the recipient. Crucially, withdrawn tokens are included.

It relies on the streamedAmountOf method in the SablierLockupBase contract.

  • Using this policy alongside erc20-balance-of may double count tokens. In the example above, TNK 500 was streamed, but the recipient withdrew TKN 450, so the total voting power would be TKN 950.
  • If funds are recycled (streamed, withdrawn and streamed again) the voting power may be increased artificially.


The opposite of streamed-recipient, counting amounts that have not been streamed yet (locked, but will become available in the future). Subtracts the streamed amount from the initial deposit. For canceled streams, the unstreamed amount will be 0.


If you started using Sablier before July 2023, you should be using the Legacy strategies.

The Legacy strategy regards the stream recipient as the voter. It returns the voting power for any voter as the sum of all deposits made by a sender towards the recipient (the voter) for a specific ERC-20 token.

Example Setup

"sender": "0xC9F2D9adfa6C24ce0D5a999F2BA3c6b06E36F75E",
"token": "0x7f8F6E42C169B294A384F5667c303fd8Eedb3CF3"