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During the course of using Sablier, you may encounter up to three different types of fees: Interface Fees, Contract Fees, and Gas Fees. Each of these fees may go to a different party. Below you can see a breakdown of how each fee is calculated and who receives it.

Interface Fees

The Sablier Interface charges a flat fee for certain operations. This fee is paid in the native gas token, i.e. in ETH for streams on Ethereum, and in POL for streams on Polygon.

The fee amount is calculated based on market prices. For example, when ETH is 4000,a4000, a 1 fee is 0.00025 ETH.

Stream Withdrawals

The Sablier Interface charges a flat fee each time you withdraw from a stream. This applies to both Lockup and Flow streams.

What is the withdraw fee?

The fee is $1 (in the gas token) regardless of the withdraw amount.

The fee applies only to streams created via Lockup v2.0 (or later) and Flow v1.1 (or later). You do not pay this fee for withdrawing from streams created using earlier releases.

Airdrop Claims

The Sablier Interface charges a flat fee when you claim an airdrop.

What is the claim fee?

The fee is $3 (in the gas token) per claim, regardless of the airdrop amount.

The fee applies only to airdrops created via Merkle Airdrops v1.3 (or later). Claims from airdrops created with earlier versions do not incur any claim fee.

Timeline for Interface Fees

AirdropsFeb 3, 2025 - presentAirdrop claim$3
LockupFeb 3, 2025 - presentWithdraw$1
FlowFeb 3, 2025 - presentWithdraw$1
AirdropsDec 18, 2023 - Feb 2, 2025Airdrop claim0
LockupJul 3, 2023 - Feb 2, 2025Withdraw0
FlowDec 4, 2024 - Feb 2, 2025Withdraw0

Contract Fees

As opposed to the Interface fees, the contract fees are charged by the Sablier contracts themselves. They apply regardless of the interface used to interact with the Sablier Protocol.

This fee is charged via the msg.value field. Basically, for the contract to accept a transaction, the msg.value must be greater than or equal to the fee.


The Contract Fee acts as a minimum fee, so it is NOT cumulative with the Interface Fee. You will pay the higher of the two fees.


The ONLY contracts that can charge fees in Sablier are the MerkleFactory contract and the airdrop contracts it deploys.

The Protocol Admin can update the fee in the MerkleFactory contract. However, the new fee applies only to airdrops created after the update. The fee values in the individual airdrop contracts remain immutable once set.

Like the Interface fee, this fee is paid in the native gas token, e.g., ETH on Ethereum, POL on Polygon.

The fee can only be applied to airdrops created with Merkle Airdrops v1.3 (or later). Airdrop campaigns created with earlier versions do not incur any claim fee.

What is the fee?

The fee is ~$1 (in the gas token) per claim, regardless of the airdrop amount.

ChainGas TokenFeeFee in Wei
EthereumETH0.00036 ETH360000000000000
AbstractETH0.00036 ETH360000000000000
ArbitrumETH0.00036 ETH360000000000000
AvalancheAVAX0.038491147 AVAX38491147000000000
BaseETH0.00036 ETH360000000000000
BerachainBERA0.15385 BERA153850000000000000
BlastETH0.00036 ETH360000000000000
BNB ChainBNB0.0017620835 BNB1762083500000000
ChilizCHZ9.29 CHZ9290000000000000000
GnosisXDAI1 XDAI1000000000000000000
LightLinkETH0 ETH0
LineaETH0.00036 ETH360000000000000
ModeETH0.00036 ETH360000000000000
MorphETH0.00036 ETH360000000000000
OptimismETH0.00036 ETH360000000000000
PolygonPOL3.1897926635 POL3189792663500000000
ScrollETH0.00036 ETH360000000000000
SuperseedETH0.00036 ETH360000000000000
Taiko MainnetETH0.00036 ETH360000000000000
TangleTNT0 TNT0
UltraUOS0 UOS0
zkSync EraETH0.00036 ETH360000000000000

Gas Fees

Gas fees are transaction fees paid to the blockchain validators in the native token of the network, e.g., ETH for Ethereum Mainnet.

Gas is paid only when streams are created, canceled, transferred, or withdrawn from. Gas does not accrue in real-time.

Importantly, Sablier Labs does not take any cut from the gas fee. 100% of the gas fee goes to the blockchain network validators, which are not affiliated with Sablier Labs.


Q: How are the Interface Fees charged?

A: They are added to the gas fee. For example, if the gas fee is $10 and the Interface Fee is $1, you would pay $11 in total (the payment is taken in the gas token, e.g., ETH).

Q: Are the Interface Fees and the Contract Fees cumulative?

A: NO. The Contract Fee acts as a minimum fee, so it will not get added to the Interface Fee. You will pay the higher of the two fees.

Q: Does the Stream Withdrawal Fee apply to each withdrawal?

A: Yes. The fee is charged each time you withdraw from a stream. For example, if you withdraw from a stream 10 times, you will pay $10 in fees.