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Lockup Endpoints

The following indexers (Envio, The Graph) track events emitted by the Sablier Lockup contracts, e.g., actions like creating, withdrawing, or transferring Lockup streams.


Source Code

Sablier Subgraphs - Lockup - Envio@sablier-labs/subgraphs - apps/lockup-envio


All Chains

"All Chains" means most of the chains supported by Sablier, e.g., Ethereum Mainnet, Optimism, Polygon. The full list can be found here.

The endpoint is meant to be plugged into a query client. Use Hasura's online explorer to view the entities and query API.

Unified Endpoint

As you can see, Envio offers a single API endpoint that aggregates data across all chains. This approach differs from other indexers like The Graph, which require separate subgraphs for each chain where Sablier is deploye

The Graph

Source Code

Sablier Subgraphs - Lockup - The Graph@sablier-labs/subgraphs - apps/lockup


The Decentralized Network subgraphs operate on The Graph Network, so the links in the table below contain a placeholder for an API key. Here's an example:

You have to replace the API_KEY placeholder with your own API key. To create your API key, check out this guide.


If you don't see your chain in this table, it means that there is no subgraph available for it. You can use the Envio indexer instead.

In February 2025, we deprecated the `sablier-v2-*` subgraphs endpoints. They will remain available, but they will not track the latest versions of the Sablier Protocol. If you need to use the deprecated endpoints, head over to the Previous Endpoints section.
ChainExplorerProduction NodeTesting Node1
Ethereum Mainnetsablier-lockup-ethereum-mainnetThe Graph NetworkStudio
Abstractsablier-lockup-abstractThe Graph NetworkStudio
Arbitrumsablier-lockup-arbitrumThe Graph NetworkStudio
Avalanchesablier-lockup-avalancheThe Graph NetworkStudio
Basesablier-lockup-baseThe Graph NetworkStudio
Berachainsablier-lockup-berachainThe Graph NetworkStudio
Blastsablier-lockup-blastThe Graph NetworkStudio
BNB Chainsablier-lockup-bscThe Graph NetworkStudio
Chiliz Chainsablier-lockup-chilizThe Graph NetworkStudio
Gnosissablier-lockup-gnosisThe Graph NetworkStudio
IoTeXsablier-lockup-iotexThe Graph NetworkStudio
Lineasablier-lockup-lineaThe Graph NetworkStudio
Lightlinksablier-lockup-lightlinkLightLink NodeN/A
Modesablier-lockup-modeThe Graph NetworkStudio
Optimismsablier-lockup-optimismThe Graph NetworkStudio
Polygonsablier-lockup-polygonThe Graph NetworkStudio
Scrollsablier-lockup-scrollThe Graph NetworkStudio
XDCsablier-lockup-xdcXDC NodeN/A
zkSyncsablier-lockup-zksyncThe Graph NetworkStudio
Arbitrum Sepoliasablier-lockup-arbitrum-sepoliaThe Graph NetworkStudio
Base Sepoliasablier-lockup-base-sepoliaThe Graph NetworkStudio
Ethereum Sepoliasablier-lockup-ethereum-sepoliaThe Graph NetworkStudio
Optimism Sepoliasablier-lockup-optimism-sepoliaThe Graph NetworkStudio


  1. The testing nodes may be rate-limited.