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Namespace for the structs used in all Lockup models.



Struct encapsulating the deposit, withdrawn, and refunded amounts, all denoted in units of the token's decimals.

Because the deposited and the withdrawn amount are often read together, declaring them in the same slot saves gas.

struct Amounts {
uint128 deposited;
uint128 withdrawn;
uint128 refunded;


depositeduint128The initial amount deposited in the stream, net of broker fee.
withdrawnuint128The cumulative amount withdrawn from the stream.
refundeduint128The amount refunded to the sender. Unless the stream was canceled, this is always zero.


Struct encapsulating (i) the deposit amount and (ii) the broker fee amount, both denoted in units of the token's decimals.

struct CreateAmounts {
uint128 deposit;
uint128 brokerFee;


deposituint128The amount to deposit in the stream.
brokerFeeuint128The broker fee amount.


Struct encapsulating the common parameters emitted in the Create event.

struct CreateEventCommon {
address funder;
address sender;
address recipient;
Lockup.CreateAmounts amounts;
IERC20 token;
bool cancelable;
bool transferable;
Lockup.Timestamps timestamps;
string shape;
address broker;


funderaddressThe address which has funded the stream.
senderaddressThe address distributing the tokens, which is able to cancel the stream.
recipientaddressThe address receiving the tokens, as well as the NFT owner.
amountsLockup.CreateAmountsStruct encapsulating (i) the deposit amount, and (ii) the broker fee amount, both denoted in units of the token's decimals.
tokenIERC20The contract address of the ERC-20 token to be distributed.
cancelableboolBoolean indicating whether the stream is cancelable or not.
transferableboolBoolean indicating whether the stream NFT is transferable or not.
timestampsLockup.TimestampsStruct encapsulating (i) the stream's start time and (ii) end time, all as Unix timestamps.
shapestringAn optional parameter to specify the shape of the distribution function. This helps differentiate streams in the UI.
brokeraddressThe address of the broker who has helped create the stream, e.g. a front-end website.


Struct encapsulating the parameters of the createWithDurations functions.

struct CreateWithDurations {
address sender;
address recipient;
uint128 totalAmount;
IERC20 token;
bool cancelable;
bool transferable;
string shape;
Broker broker;


senderaddressThe address distributing the tokens, with the ability to cancel the stream. It doesn't have to be the same as msg.sender.
recipientaddressThe address receiving the tokens, as well as the NFT owner.
totalAmountuint128The total amount, including the deposit and any broker fee, denoted in units of the token's decimals.
tokenIERC20The contract address of the ERC-20 token to be distributed.
cancelableboolIndicates if the stream is cancelable.
transferableboolIndicates if the stream NFT is transferable.
shapestringAn optional parameter to specify the shape of the distribution function. This helps differentiate streams in the UI.
brokerBrokerStruct encapsulating (i) the address of the broker assisting in creating the stream, and (ii) the percentage fee paid to the broker from totalAmount, denoted as a fixed-point number. Both can be set to zero.


Struct encapsulating the parameters of the createWithTimestamps functions.

struct CreateWithTimestamps {
address sender;
address recipient;
uint128 totalAmount;
IERC20 token;
bool cancelable;
bool transferable;
Timestamps timestamps;
string shape;
Broker broker;


senderaddressThe address distributing the tokens, with the ability to cancel the stream. It doesn't have to be the same as msg.sender.
recipientaddressThe address receiving the tokens, as well as the NFT owner.
totalAmountuint128The total amount, including the deposit and any broker fee, denoted in units of the token's decimals.
tokenIERC20The contract address of the ERC-20 token to be distributed.
cancelableboolIndicates if the stream is cancelable.
transferableboolIndicates if the stream NFT is transferable.
timestampsTimestampsStruct encapsulating (i) the stream's start time and (ii) end time, both as Unix timestamps.
shapestringAn optional parameter to specify the shape of the distribution function. This helps differentiate streams in the UI.
brokerBrokerStruct encapsulating (i) the address of the broker assisting in creating the stream, and (ii) the percentage fee paid to the broker from totalAmount, denoted as a fixed-point number. Both can be set to zero.


A common data structure to be stored in all Lockup models.

The fields are arranged like this to save gas via tight variable packing.

struct Stream {
address sender;
uint40 startTime;
uint40 endTime;
bool isCancelable;
bool wasCanceled;
IERC20 token;
bool isDepleted;
bool isStream;
bool isTransferable;
Model lockupModel;
Amounts amounts;


senderaddressThe address distributing the tokens, with the ability to cancel the stream.
startTimeuint40The Unix timestamp indicating the stream's start.
endTimeuint40The Unix timestamp indicating the stream's end.
isCancelableboolBoolean indicating if the stream is cancelable.
wasCanceledboolBoolean indicating if the stream was canceled.
tokenIERC20The contract address of the ERC-20 token to be distributed.
isDepletedboolBoolean indicating if the stream is depleted.
isStreamboolBoolean indicating if the struct entity exists.
isTransferableboolBoolean indicating if the stream NFT is transferable.
lockupModelModelThe distribution model of the stream.
amountsAmountsStruct encapsulating the deposit, withdrawn, and refunded amounts, both denoted in units of the token's decimals.


Struct encapsulating the Lockup timestamps.

struct Timestamps {
uint40 start;
uint40 end;


startuint40The Unix timestamp for the stream's start.
enduint40The Unix timestamp for the stream's end.



Enum representing the different distribution models used to create lockup streams.

These distribution models determine the vesting function used in the calculations of the unlocked tokens.

enum Model {


Enum representing the different statuses of a stream.

The status can have a "temperature":

  1. Warm: Pending, Streaming. The passage of time alone can change the status.
  2. Cold: Settled, Canceled, Depleted. The passage of time alone cannot change the status.


  • value0: PENDING Stream created but not started; tokens are in a pending state.

  • value1: STREAMING Active stream where tokens are currently being streamed.

  • value2: SETTLED All tokens have been streamed; recipient is due to withdraw them.

  • value3: CANCELED Canceled stream; remaining tokens await recipient's withdrawal.

  • value4: DEPLETED Depleted stream; all tokens have been withdrawn and/or refunded.

enum Status {