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Sablier protocols handle errors with the convenient and gas-efficient custom error syntax introduced in Solidity v0.8.4.

The error data encoding is identical to the ABI encoding used for functions, e.g.:

error SablierLockupBase_WithdrawAmountZero(uint256 streamId);

Yields the following 4-byte selector in the contract's ABI:

// 0xf747ab7c

Naming Pattern

With the exception of a few generics, all errors in Sablier protocols adhere to the naming pattern <ContractName>_<ErrorName>.

Incorporating the contract name as a prefix offers context, making it easier for end users to pinpoint the contract responsible for a reverted transaction. This approach is particularly helpful for complex transactions involving multiple contracts.

Lockup Error List

Click here to see the full error list in Lockup protocol.

Airdrops Error List

Click here to see the full error list in Airdrops protocol.

Flow Error List

Click here to see the full error list in Flow protocol.
