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V1 Overview

Depending on what EVM chain you want to use Sablier on, you will need to use a different contract address. Sablier V1 runs on top of a singleton contract that manages all streams.

Official deployments

Official deployments are deployments made by the Sablier team and supported in the official user interface.

Sablier V1.1

Sablier.solEthereum Mainnet0xCD18eAa163733Da39c232722cBC4E8940b1D8888
Sablier.solArbitrum One0xaDB944B478818d95659067E70D2e5Fc43Fa3eDe9
Sablier.solBNB Smart Chain0x05BC7f5fb7F248d44d38703e5C921A8c16825161
Sablier.solPolygon Mainnet0xAC18EAB6592F5fF6F9aCf5E0DCE0Df8E49124C06

Sablier V1.0

This is an outdated deployment.

Payroll.solEthereum Mainnet0xbd6a40Bb904aEa5a49c59050B5395f7484A4203d
Sablier.solEthereum Mainnet0xA4fc358455Febe425536fd1878bE67FfDBDEC59a

Unofficial deployments

Unofficial deployments are deployments made by external teams and not supported in the official user interface.

IoTeX0x93Efd750a7F589f9FE26408a91e15587a88c4E78IoTeX team

Testnet Tokens

If you want to use the Sablier interfaces on a testnet, you need to get some testnet DAI first. To do this, you have to go to the Etherscan page of the associated token, tap the "Write Contract" tab, connect your Ethereum wallet and call the mint method.

Note that the testnet token has 18 decimals, so you may want to use a unit converter.

ChainNetworkEthereum address