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The Sablier Protocol is entirely free to use. There is no protocol fee. However, external integrators who manage their own UI may charge broker free in exchange for providing their services. Broker fees can only be charged when a stream is created, and is capped at 10%.

Broker fees

In the Sablier ecosystem, a "broker" is any third-party entity that interacts with the Sablier Protocol on behalf of other users. These brokers have the ability to charge service fees for facilitating such interactions.

Broker fees are particularly useful for front-end applications that integrate the Sablier Protocol. They enable front-end operators to levy a fee on each Sablier stream created through their platform.

The broker fee is a percentage of the streamed amount, and it cannot be higher than 10%. In the event of cancellation, broker fee is non-refundable.


Interested in becoming a broker? Please fill out this form and we will try to respond as soon as possible.

Gas Fees

Q: What are gas fees?

A: Gas fees are transaction fees paid to the blockchain validators in native tokens such as ETH. Sablier Labs does not take any cut from this.

Q: When are gas fees paid?

A: Gas is paid only when streams are created, canceled, transferred, or withdrawn from. It does not accrue in real-time.

Q: Does Sablier receive any portion of the gas fee?

A: No. 100% of the gas fee goes to the blockchain validators, which are not affiliated with Sablier Labs.